Cookie Monster Sesame Street unspoken words on cupboard : Juni 2012

Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

the pieces of me

kangeeeen ngegambar/sketching, gitar, bikin bikin origami haha :") nah dibawah ini gambar yg pernah gue bikin dan termasuk hobi gue dari banyak yg lainnya selain makan tidur makan tidur (loh?). yaudah ini gambargambar gue sekalian gue bahas latar belakang gambar. kenapa gue bisa gambar ituuu

1. "Way Back Into Love" (09-1-2011)
gambar ini gue buat karna waktu itu gue lagi suka sama lagu way back into lovenya Hugh Grant & Haley Bannet "all I wanna do is find the way back into love. I can't make it through without a way back into love" terus karna terinspirasi sama lagu itu gue gambar deh hehe

 2. "Jump To High"
kalo yang ini temen temen kelas gue yang bikin band dan nama bandnya jump to high :) karna gue kagum sama mereka yg bisa main musik otodidak. kecee kaan haha dan sekarang emang udah kurang 1 sih personil karna keluar. semoga cepet dapet gitarist baru dan ngeluarin single lagi ya selain 'mimpilah' ;))

 3. "Two Loves"
kalo ini... speechless :| ini berdasarkan pengalaman orang. the man betrayed a girl who loved him cause another woman. sadissss haha

4. "Pirates Of Tradewinds"
ini gue gambar karna gue terinspirasi dari game, keliatannya kayak pirates of caribbean ya haha sama sekali engga. ini dari game dan gue lupa game apa -__- haha

5. "Rapunzel"
ini karna ya terinspirasi dari film rapunzel. ya karna ade gue seneng nonton princess princess gitu jadi ya karna gue iseng gue gambar deh

yaudah itu gambar gambar gue dan kayaknya gue emang harus belajar banyak buat sketching tapi bukan termasuk gambar komik karna gue emang ga kenal komik -__-v nanti gue coba kenalan deh abis itu kalo bisa gue gambar. insyaAllah gue bakal update gambar gamber baru gue ;)) bubye~

live like we're dying

ini lagu termasuk lagu favorit gue karna lagunya ya emang enak dan punya cerita sendiri dulu di SMP.. -__-" yaudah lupain hal itu dan sekarang gue cuma mau ngeshare liriknya :)

Sometimes we fall down, can't get back upWe're hiding behind skin that's too toughHow come we don't say I love you enough?'Til it's to late, it's not too late
Our hearts are hungry for a food that won't comeAnd we could make a feast from these crumbsAnd we're all staring down the barrel of a gunSo if your life flashed before you, what would you wish you would've done?
Yeah, we gotta start lookin' at the hands of the time we've been givenIf this is all we got, then we gotta start thinkin'If every second counts on a clock that's tickin'Gotta live like we're dying
We only got 86 400 seconds in a day toTurn it all around or to throw it all awayWe gotta tell 'em that we love 'em while we got the chance to sayGotta live like we're dying
And if your plane fell out of the skiesWho would you call with your last goodbye?Should be so careful who we left out of our livesAnd when we long for absolution, there will be no one on the line
Yeah, we gotta start lookin' at the hands of the time we've been givenIf this is all we got, then we gotta start thinkin'If every second counts on a clock that's tickin'Gotta live like we're dying
We only got 86 400 seconds in a day toTurn it all around or to throw it all awayWe gotta tell 'em that we love 'em while we got the chance to sayGotta live like we're dying, oh, like we're dying, oh, like we're dyingLike we're dying, oh, like we're dying
We only got 86 400 seconds in a day toTurn it all around or to throw it all awayWe gotta tell 'em that we love 'em while we got the chance to sayGotta live like we're dying
You never know a good thing 'til it's goneYou never see a crash 'til it's head onWhy do we think we're right when we're dead wrong?You never know a good thing 'til it's gone
Yeah, gotta start lookin' at the hands of the time we've been givenIf this is all we got, then we gotta start thinkin'If every second counts on a clock that's tickin'Gotta live like we're dying
We only got 86 400 seconds in a day toTurn it all around or to throw it all awayWe gotta tell 'em that we love 'em while we got the chance to sayGotta live like we're dying, oh, like we're dying, oh, like we're dyingLike we're dying, oh, like we're dying
We only got 86 400 seconds in a day toTurn it all around or to throw it all awayWe gotta tell 'em that we love 'em while we got the chance to sayGotta live like we're dying

Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012

it's me-time

sebelumnya gue minta maaf kalo kemarin kemarin kayaknya gue nyebelin ya emang sih gue juga ngerasa gitu tapi gue lagi pengen sendiri, maaf yg aggep gue cuek atau apalah tapi ya emang gue lagi pengen waktu sendiri ya emang udah sifat gue juga mungkin daridulu kalo ada tiap waktu yg pengen gue abisin sendiri dan gamau diganggu, ya emang kedengerannya egois. kalo boleh jujur ya iya tapi kayanya tiap manusia juga punya ego. sekali lagi maaf bangeeet atas keegoisan gue. gue juga gaenaak banget sama siapapun yg merasa gue cuekkin.
ohya dikit lagi liburan tapi gue kangen banget sama seva terutama klasik, semoga liburan ini klasik bikin planning di liburan ini. dan selamat yg udah ngambil rapor dan dapet jurusan :D sekarang gue yg nunggu rapor semoga aja IP ga turun kalo bisa naik. Amin