Cookie Monster Sesame Street unspoken words on cupboard : Juli 2012

Senin, 30 Juli 2012


title postingannya ga jelas -__- abstrak sama kayak gue hee iya kayak gue kok.
hmm ngejaga perasaan orang itu... susah susah gampang. kenapa? karena kadang harus ngorbanin perasaan sendiri yakan? dan disitu ihadapkan 2 pilihan, lo bohongin perasaan lo biar orang lain seneng atau sebaliknya. hmm kadang gue sendiri ga ngerti sih sama perasaan sendiri.sebenernya banyak banget yang pengen gue omongin cuma gue mungkin tipe orang yang sering ngorbanin perasaan sendiri jadi gue lebih milih diem. sebenernya ini jelek -__- yagak? ya. tapi gimana... gue orangnya ga terlalu ekspresif, jadi lebih milih diem padahal banyak emosi didalamya (maksudnya bukan marah yaa..) sorry yang pernah ngerasa gue gimana gitu ya karena gue begini hee

Rabu, 04 Juli 2012

On Top Of The World

siapa sih yg ga kenal BLG a.k.a Boys Like Girls? yap hampir semua tau lagu lagunya kan. nah yg 1 ini lagu dari abum yg judulnya dari nama bandnya sendiri. lagunya enak, rock tempo beat gitu. sebenernya lagunya ini lagu sedih yg ditulis sama salah satu personilnya yg kangen ibunya yg udah meninggal karena kanker dan berharap suatu saat ketemu lagi. sedih ya :") tapi lagunya sama sekali gada unsur galaunya. Check it out!

 On Top Of The World 

Look up, the stars are fading
And I am still here waiting
To see you again
Be with you my friend

When the moon is gone forever
I hope you're up there somewhere
I'll see you again
Be with you my friend

'Cause all the roads they lead to where you are
And all the streetlights shine like they were stars
That's where you are

Let's spend tonight on top of the world
And we can do anything,
We can be anything
I'll meet you tonight on top of the world
As real as it seems,
You're only in my dreams

Look out across the water
Faces of lonely daughters and mothers who care
But just can't be there
Swear that I will see you someday
I have to find a way
To show you I care
Even if you're not there

So I'm following the road to where you are
(Meet you tonight on top of)
The streetlights they will guide me to the stars
That's where you are

Let's spend tonight on top of the world
And we can do anything,
We can be anything
I'll meet you tonight on top of the world
As real as it seems,
You're only in my dreams

My heart is empty without you
Sometimes you don't know what you do
And I need you tonight
I'll fall asleep and it's alright
Close my eyes and I'll be by your side

Let's spend tonight on top of the world
And we can do anything,
We can be anything
I'll meet you tonight on top of the world
As real as it seems,
You're only in my dreams

Let's spend tonight on top of the world
(On top of the world)
As real as it seems,
You're only in my dreams